Has the amount of sales you close each month been in decline? If so, it may be time to consider changing your sales techniques. Change is never easy, and it can be somewhat of a terrifying thought; however, it may be just what you need to do in order to improve your overall sales numbers and business success.
It is very common that when we think that something isn’t working, it may be somewhat overwhelming to consider. But when you take your system apart, step-by-step, you might find all of the areas can be more productive, if they are simply changed. The changes may not be all that dramatic – but can make a dramatic difference on your bottom line!
Presenting the 6 Stages of Change to Help You Get Started
To determine if you need to make a change, take a careful assessment of your sales and look at what is and what is not working any longer. Be sure to take notes as you consider each of the below stages on what can be improved upon.
Stage 1 – Precontemplation – How to recognize you have a problem.
Think about and determine the risks of continuing to behave as you have been, meaning keep on doing things the way they have been done. You may think everything is fine and no change is needed. But pay attention to how others around you are having success.
Stage 2 – Contemplation – What can help you make a change?
Once you recognize a change needs to be made your first inclination might be why bother? Make a list of what the pros would be if you don’t change, and include the cons. Be honest with yourself – no one but you has to see this list.
Stage 3 – Preparation – Make a plan of action with a deadline for each step to be completed.
Think about how you have made successful changes in the past. Do you do better with small incremental changes, or do you just go to the deep end of the lake and dive in for the BIG change? It doesn’t matter – but do make goals – several small ones or one big one. Then make a list of things you need to do to accomplish each goal.
Stage 4 – Action – Take the necessary actions that you have laid out to implement the plan.
Reward your successes! What motivates you and moves you to action when you think about rewarding yourself? Take a day off, buy yourself a gift, two scoops of ice cream instead of one – make the reward something that will truly motivate YOU!!
Stage 5 – Maintain – Keep following through with your new techniques.
Be aware of what you are doing. If something works a few times and then one time it doesn’t, don’t go back to your original habit. Simply look at what didn’t work and tweak that, and continue to move forward to maintain your momentum. Do not stop rewarding yourself – money that you get for your efforts is great but that is not a reward. Always continue to motivate yourself with your own rewards.
Stage 6 – Relapse – Be aware of what triggers relapses and makes you want to go back to your old habits.
Do not kick yourself in the butt and be hard on yourself if your change takes a setback! Remind yourself what the goal was. Review exactly what you have done. Tweak where it didn’t work this time. Continue to move forward. If you feel like you need help, allow yourself to ask. Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness!
If this assessment process above seems overwhelming, you may want to bring in a sales coach to help you see what is and what isn’t working. It is also a great idea to have an outside professional take a look at your business. They may notice things you have not, and provide you with ideas on how you can improve your sales.
Take Control of Sales with the 6 Stages of Change
Once you determine what needs to be changed, it’s time to take action. Are you ready to get started and make the necessary changes needed to improve your sales?
Make sure that you have a clear and realistic time deadline in which these changes should take place. Having a deadline will keep you on track and ensure that you are following the steps needed to successfully implement the changes, and get your business back to being a productive and effective sales machine.
There is nothing like finding the things that need to be changed and taking the action to make it happen! That will help you insure more sales not just for today, but for a long time to come!
Have you examined your sales process lately? Did you find any changes you need to make? How will you get started? Comment below.

Debbie Mrazek
Debbie Mrazek, author of the Field Guide to Sales, is a sales coach who delivers a sales prescription that really works. She teaches individuals how to transform their talents into s-a-l-e-s.