When teaching an online program about copywriting, I received an email from one of the group’s participants. She asked, “How can I tap into my writing ability?” I said, “You awaken the copywriter within.” Let me explain . . .
Every morning, I listen to a guided meditation from Deepak Chopra. Every few months, he co-hosts a 21-Day Meditation Challenge with Oprah Winfrey. If you’ve never participated in one of these challenges, I highly recommend it.
One of the meditations was about the “Miraculous You.” And one day while I listened, this idea for a blog post came to me. Yes, thoughts pop up constantly while meditating and after many years at it, I finally learned that it’s not about quieting the mind, but just allowing it to be.
After finishing my session, I began to write. In response to “How do you awaken the copywriter within you?” I decided the answer was fairly simple.
Be yourself.
In my humble opinion, life is about relationships (and so is marketing), but first, there is the relationship with one’s self.
Be genuine and realize it’s okay for the world so see who you truly are. I think some of the most captivating content I’ve seen lately comes from heartfelt and authentic professionals who are okay with being transparent.
Being transparent helps your prospects and customers feel closer to you – an essential step in boosting sales with trust and integrity.
Some of the transparent professionals may not even consider themselves marketers or copywriters. But, what they do is bring their sincerity and honesty to the table.
Deepak Chopra said “If you’ve been caught up in an anxious search for love, happiness or anything else. You can let go of the struggle and endless quest for self-improvement. And, instead, begin to open to the awareness of who you really are.”
I like what my colleague Cindy Schulson says; she puts it this, “Learn from others, but trust yourself. Trust yourself to make the right decisions and that you know what you’re here to do. Embrace who you are and let that show up in your business in a real way.”
Speak from the heart. You can share:
- Your own challenges.
- How you overcame them.
- How you can now help others, who are in similar situations, succeed.
When you do this, you relate to people and people relate back to you. They develop a stronger bond with you because of your common experience.
Sit down with pen and paper (this stimulates your subconscious more than typing on a keyboard) and write. Don’t worry about what comes out, just be real and put your thoughts on paper. You can fine tune it later.
Copywriter Resources
Yes, there are books, videos and blog posts on how to write copy (you’ll find some on my blog). And there are certainly guidelines to follow for writing captivating content that converts your prospects into customers. However, a good beginning – even if you hire a copywriter to write for you – is to look inside yourself. Who is the person you want to be? Let your personality shine through and awaken the copywriter within.
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
What do you think? I value your feedback so please share your comments below because I’d love to hear from you. Thanks a million. Here’s to your sweet success.
This is an excerpt from Debra Jason’s award-winning book Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget™: How to Attract a Steady Stream of Happy Clients, Make More Money and Live Your Dream.

Debra Jason
Debra Jason is author of "Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget™". She teaches "Marketing with heart. Inspiring you to communicate your passion so it has a powerful impact." She loves speaking, connecting, dancing, yoga & MEMORIES OF beach walks with her dog.