It is awesome owning a business. If it wasn’t we wouldn’t keep doing it. One part of owning a business is that it comes with so many different hats, sometimes too many.
Do you ever notice how you are good at wearing some hats verses others? Some hats feel really great to wear, and some hats you want to burn and never wear again? You probably have some hats that are your “SUPERpowers” that you have taken for granted, or need to concentrate on and, maybe delegate the other hats or powers to someone else. Others have probably recognized your “Superpowers”, and asked you for help in those areas because of what they have heard or seen you do.
Find Your Business SUPERpower Right Now
First, SUPERhuman strength.
No you can’t pick up a truck like Superman, but nothing seems to be able to slow you down in life or business. Your associates see you always coming out on top of any situation you happen to be in for business. If you are sick, you are still on top. If you are down, you ignore it and you stay on top. Even though you are constantly moving, you never seem to be too busy.
Second, SUPERsonic talking.
You can sell ice to Eskimos or wood to a forest. You love helping people find the items they need to succeed. Sales is not for everyone, but you are always salesman of the day. For those that can’t sell as well, you are looked to for help and advice, and even the occasional referral. You sell because you love it and you are really good at it.
Third, SUPERsonic leadership.
Not everyone can walk into a room and organize it into something that works together like a well-oiled machine. Every group needs a leader and you are looked to for that leadership. For a fundraiser, they call you. For a networking event, they call you. For a holiday celebration, you are on their speed dial. Not everyone can create a successful event out of thin air, but you can.
And fourth, SUPERsonic designer.
Your blood runs with indigo ink. You are constantly designing. Fonts are your hobby. Whether it is print or web, a business card or social media, you have just the right design for just the right channel. You wield a pen or pencil as if it is a wand. You are everyone’s artistic Harry Potter, slaying bad design where it begins.
Take The Business SUPERpower Quiz
1. When you are under a time deadline, do you:
a. Push through and come out shining.
b. Look for another sale to take your mind off the impending deadline.
c. Call your friend that was looking to have you join their referral group
d. Browse Pinterest for inspiring text art ideas.
2. When you are trying to get three more sales for the month, do you:
a. Get the three sales in during the next thirty minutes, despite your migraine.
b. Have three people from the last month call you and request you sell them your product today.
c. Put the finishing touches on your networking luncheon.
d. Decide your business card needs a make-over.
3. When you have to make assignments to your sales group do you:
a. Check with your first place salesperson to make sure it can be done.
b. Get on the phone and make sales that you can have one of your sales team finish once you get the commitment.
c. Have a one-on-one with each of your team to find out how you can help them finish up the month strong.
d. Have a creative brainstorm for a new design for your company’s brochure.
4. When you have a poster mock-up due in one hour, do you:
a. Got to Vista print and get it ordered on time.
b. Barter with your designer friend for a design in exchange for a referral.
c. Call in your most creative team member and let them have at it.
d. Design one and then re-design it four more times before it is due.
This quiz is obvious, and your SUPERpower probably is, too. You need to concentrate on what you are good at and, either team up with someone who can do the other tasks you hate, or hire someone that compliments your SUPERpower with theirs, creating your own SUPERteam.
Business 101 advice, ALWAYS play to your strengths, or to your SUPERpowers, and delegate or hire out for EVERYTHING ELSE.
What is your SUPERpower? Share it in the comments below.
Anthony Ryan
Anthony Ryan is the founder of anthonyryanmedia & be SUPER social! Professor at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications. He teaches WordPress, Facebook, Twitter and social media business etiquette to students each semester. Funny enough, he also teaches these to business owners.