Would you like to a superhero like Batman or Ironman? What about being a content marketing superhero? If so, you will need a well-stocked tool belt. No matter the situation, Batman had the right tool in his Bat Belt and when Tony Stark suited up as Ironman, he was equipped to do battle with any alien invaders.
What about you? What is in your content marketing tool belt? Are you prepared to use content marketing to build an audience, boost traffic or launch a new product?
Tools to Become a Content Marketing Superhero
Regular blog posts
The first tool you should have is a blog. Like the Bat Signal informs Batman, regularly posting to your blog is best way to keep your customers informed.
Keeping up to date with fresh content helps to drive traffic to your website as well as publishing blog posts that are evergreen and remain relevant to your audience. How often you should publish depends on your industry and how much time you have to create content. Sites like Mashable publish multiple times per day while others, like the Tim Ferris site, publish a blog post once a month. Your editorial calendar will fall somewhere in between, as long as you publish on a regular basis.
Publishing guest blog posts in a related industry is another tool. Guest posts give you access to a connected audience and expand your online presence.
Think of it this way: A retail store that sells fabrics and trims could write a guest post about ways to use pom-pom fringe for a quilting site or for crafters on a home decor DIY blog. This is an audience who would be interested in that topic, but that you might not reach from your blog site.
Case Studies, White Papers and Webinars
Case studies, white papers and webinars are the perfect way to demonstrate what your company has to offer. Prove the value of your product or service through actual examples with a case study. Showing your potential clients how you’ve helped others through a case study shows an example of how you can help them.
Use white papers (also called special reports) to go in-depth on an important topic in your industry. An informative and well-written white paper may also be used to encourage email sign ups with a link that takes them to your subscribe page.
Email Newsletters
Even with a new social media platform popping up every day, email is still a powerful tool in your content marketing toolbox. Email newsletters can get ‘up close and personal’ with your audience and can be the perfect tool for lead generation and sending targeted messages to your customers.
Don’t Forget About Social Media Content
Social media can be one of the most important tools for content marketing. Use it like Batman’s grappling hook, to extend the reach of your blog posts. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook are great for personal branding and audience.
You can also take advantage of the viral nature of photo sharing on Instagram and Pinterest. Restaurants, retail stores and other product-oriented businesses should have a Pinterest account. The visually rich nature of Pinterest is perfect for promoting your business.
You Do Not Have to Do It All
Content Marketing Superheroes do not have to carry every tool in their tool belt just like Captain America only has a vibranium shield but was very skilled in its use. Just like Captain America, you should be highly skilled and effective with whatever tools you decide to use.
To have a well-rounded online presence, start with the basics and add more as you get more comfortable. You do not have to be everywhere…Just where your customers are. It is not necessary to spend the time and money to process content on every online outlet.
Choose your target and your tool, then, you too can be a content marketing superhero!
What’s in your tool belt? Share below.

Clara Mathews
Clara Mathews is the owner of Clarabela Media. She is a Content Marketing Strategist, Copywriter & Social Media Manager. She lives in Dallas with her sock-stealing terrier, Huckleberry.