Twitter is now 9 years old and I thought sharing how to create your Twitter success story, today of all days, was quite relevant. Before I get started I want to share my Twitter success story. You’ll understand why when you get to the end of it.
How I Created My Twitter Success Story
I saw Twitter for the first time in 2008. The interface made no sense to me as my friend Dave was telling me it was going to be the next big thing. A short time later I heard Dorothy Beach, a Dallas based recruiter, present on Twitter and how companies and people were using it for job search.
Since I worked for a career counselor at that time and we were telling the clients that they needed to be using Twitter, I registered a company Twitter account and that is when my addiction started.
I quickly connected with Twitter and all the potential available to business owners. I started getting expert requests to interview the company owner for news articles, blog posts, radio and TV.
In early 2009, I went to work for a web design firm as a contractor managing their client social media accounts. That same year, I started LissaDuty.com, providing social media maintenance services to small businesses, consultants, authors and more.
In 2010, I added social media coaching to my business model after discovering how much I loved speaking and teaching others how to leverage social media for their businesses.
I created all my Twitter success from one strategy that I am going to share today.
How to Influence the Influencers To Create Your Twitter Success Story
- Start with three people that already have a circle of influence on Twitter. (I am not talking Tony Robbins, Dan Pink or Scott Stratten. People that have a larger influence than you, but attainable.)
- Find the things you admire about the influencer, have in common and can easily connect with them on.
- Start retweeting and replying to what they tweet on Twitter. Focus on having conversations and asking them questions about their expertise. (The more you interact with them the more they will remember you.)
- Eventually they will start retweeting you, having conversations and asking you questions. (Then one day you realize something cool.)
- Now you are influencing the influencer and your Twitter success just grew not only by three, but by who knows because you are now developing a relationship with those they influence also.
If you question if this strategy works, look no further then my own story. This is the exact strategy I used in 2009 and still use today that has gotten me to where I am.
Bringing You To Current Date On My Twitter Success Story
- Now author of a Twitter book (2nd revision), 25 Tips to Twitter Success: Learn How to Market Yourself, Brand and Business Online, and co-author of a LinkedIn book.
- Co-founder of Rocks Digital, a resource website for digital marketers, brand managers and business owners.
- Organizer for one of the largest digital marketing conferences in the United States, which I originally founded in 2012 as DFW Rocks Social Media and now branded as the Rocks Digital Marketing Conference.
- Employed by a 3x award-winning Inc 500 digital marketing agency that approached me to work for them.
- Started as their VP of Community Management in summer 2014 and experienced managing some of the largest social media accounts for their clients.
- Recently transitioned to the Brand Development Manager for their corporate brands.
So today, after sharing all of this I ask, do you have a Twitter success story? Share it below in the comments.
If not, get out and start making one today. It is a simple as sending the first tweet and taking if one tweet at a time.

Lissa Duty
Lissa Duty is Social Media Coach, Author, Speaker & Trainer. 20 years of marketing, administrative and management experience working to grow your business.