DFW Rocks Social Media 2014 Speaker Profile
Our goal for the 2014 national Dallas based social media day conference is to provide the attendees with the opportunity to know the speakers in-depth before the conference. This will help you with session selection, and if start to think through some of the questions you would like to ask the speaker.
Speaker Name: Jessica Rector
Company Name & Website: The Single Mom Movement
Social Media Channels: Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn
Job Title: Founder of The Single Mom Movement and The Single Mom Movement Community where we connect single moms with others who get it.
Why did you select this job title? It’s not about me and what I do. The Single Mom Movement is about the single moms I serve and giving them what they need to stop saying, “I can’t,” but instead say, “Look at ALL I can do, AND I’m a single mom.”
Why did you select the industry you did? I was a coach and unexpectedly got pregnant. As a single mom, I wasn’t able to find the support, information, or resources I need to live the life I knew I wanted.
What is your favorite thing about your work? I love serving single moms, watching their lives transform and themselves change in ways they never thought possible. It’s amazing to see them know they deserve it, walk in their worth, and really believe they matter.
What is your least favorite? The administrative part is my least favorite, but I’m starting to outsource it, so I can spend my time in my unique brilliance fully serving single moms.
What is your tagline? Breathe Happiness. Be Fulfilled. Live Empowered!
What is your session title at #DFWRocks2014? Creating Your Ideal Client Offline and Online
What is the one take away you want every attendee at DFW Rocks to implement after leaving your presentation? Tools to implement an exact marketing strategy to communicate with their ideal clients without feeling like they are chasing after them or having to constantly sell.
Name three most important points you will share / teach in your talk:
- Discover how to create ideal clients
- Where to find them
- What exactly to say to them so don’t have to sell
What do you hope to accomplish at #DFWRocks2014? I want to serve as many people as possible by helping them get clear on their ideal clients and where to find them.
Recent conferences presented to: Survive and Thrive Conference 2014, PTA Leadership Summit 2013, FMC Carswell, and Colleyville Chamber
Special Awards and Recognitions: Plaid Women Single Parent Expert Writer and Ezine Article Motherhood Expert.
You are an author. What is your book title? Live Your Greatest Life
Favorite book (besides your own): Daring Greatly by Brene’ Brown and Embrace Your Magnificence by Fabienne Fredrickson
Who do you consider has influenced you in your industry and why? Fabienne Fredrickson has greatly influenced me. Through her my business has catapulted and my life has drastically changed. I went from just beginning to great success in a matter of months. She has showed me how to have a true heart to heart connection, and that’s made all the difference in my business and my life.
Favorite Quote: “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.” Jack Kerouac
Advice for readers: “Give yourself permission…to let go, be imperfect, not have all the answers, make mistakes, and to believe you ARE good enough!”
Jessica Rector will be leading a Break-Out Session on Sunday, June 29! Read her session description.
Haven’t registered yet? NOW is the time!

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