John Peterson’s first taste of the power of the web came during college. He wrote an innovative grade distribution search engine that peaked at around 21,000 hits a day. Innovation earned John a Distinguished Student Award and a Services in Engineering Award, but most importantly, big thank you’sfrom fellow classmates.
Since then John has worked on web projects large and small, for websites with several hundred to several million pageviews per month. Projects include web apps for courts and justice systems, all the way to e-commerce forms that streamline signup for soccer tournaments.
John is an active member of the digital marketing community. He currently serves as Co-Organizer for the Houston WordPress Meetup Group and as an Officer with SearchHOU.
John enjoys sharing his WordPress knowledge and giving back to the community. He has spoken at WordCamp DFW, DFW WordPress Meetup Group, the Fort Worth WordPress Users Group, Houston WordPress Meetup Group, and SearchHOU.
Presentation Details
Got the Need for Speed? Learn Why and How to Optimize for Site Speed
Imagine this. You see an ad on Facebook for a futuristic koozie that promised to keep your frosty beverage as cold as Hoth. Your credit card heats up and is ready to burn through your wallet like hot magma. You click on the ad… and wait… and wait… and wait.
This koozie is dead to me.
That is what goes through John Peterson’s mind – and the minds of most website visitors – when they have to wait. In fact, if something meaningful isn’t displayed in 3 seconds, the site is dead to 53% of them. Wait much longer, and the rest will wipe it from their memory.
Site speed is crucial for online success. John Peterson will share:
- How to measure site speed
- Key features of a fast web host
- Coding techniques that your website needs to support
- The best plugins and services
If you want a higher ROI from your lead gen website, e-commerce store, or publishing powerhouse, then it must be fast!Attend this session to learn how.
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