What a great kick-off to our morning! John Nosal gave us some pointers on optimizing our LinkedIn profiles!
LinkedIn has been evolving in the past couple of years from being the place to find your next job to a great targeted marketing platform.
List of Your Skills to Market Your LinkedIn Profile
First, understand who you are and what you do – make a list of all of the things that you do.
- Pick out Keywords that help define who you are and what you do.
- What are your skills?
- If someone was looking for someone with your skill set, what would they be searching for?
Be SPECIFIC (rather than “coach”, define the TYPE of coach… soccer coach, life coach, business coach)
Once you have your initial list, narrow that list down to 6 words and then search on LinkedIn to see how popular your 6 keywords are (use quotation marks to narrow your search).
- When you find the best keywords for your skill set, make sure to use them in your profile
- Use bullet points and add quantifiable data (Increased sales 35%, Reduced costs 40%, etc.)
- Use your main keywords in your headline
Find the Target Audience for Your Skills
If you have a product/service you are trying to sell, you can use the search function to narrow the results to a specific location and industry. Find out exactly who, in an organization, you need to talk to (or at least narrow the field significantly).
While you CAN search LinkedIn “anonymously”, it will help increase your network if people see that you were looking at their profile which may make them curious enough to come look at your profile.
List Job Positions that Support Your Career Objectives
If you’ve had multiple positions at a company, make them separate entries on LinkedIn to show growth.
If the information on your profile does not support your current career objectives, leave it out. If you were doing something 15 years ago that supports your current career objective, go ahead and include it.
To learn more about John Nosal you can read his full bio on Rocks Digital.

Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.