Another Social Media Day and another Rocks Digital Conference has come to an end. I look forward to it all year, blog my fingers off during the event from live blogging and then, after spending a while resting my overworked typing fingers, I ponder the workshops I attended. The ones I WISH I had attended while cursing the fact that I could not clone myself so that I could have been in all of the workshops at once.
I’ve had people tell me I’m crazy for volunteering to live-blog, they question what I get out of the experience. And here’s the answer.
What I Get From Live Blogging at Rocks Digital
- I get to attend a fabulous conference and network with incredible people.
- I get to hear speakers cover topics that help me in my business and my clients’ businesses.
- I have had the phenomenal good fortune to have the opportunity to contribute a monthly blog post to a site that has a wide and diverse reader base.
- I get to work with Lissa Duty (and no, that is NOT an attempt to curry favor, nor did she tell me to write that. I honestly consider it an honor to work with Lissa).
Key take-aways for me from this year’s Rocks Digital Conference:
- Good, solid, practical blogging advice from Elayna Fernandez.
- Incredible inspiration from Candy Barone.
- A fantastic blend of practical advice and humor from Joe Youngblood.
- Insight into Gamification (which is fascinating) from Robin Moss.
- Actionable tips on Reputation Management from Chris Silver Smith.
- And (finally!) an understanding of why I should put some effort into Google+ from Martin Shervington (I realize this may have been only my perception of this session… but it was, for me, like having Dr. Who explain G+. Why yes, I am a bit of a Dr. Who fangirl, why do you ask?)
There was much more that I took away from the conference but I’m writing a blog here, not a novel. I met some absolutely wonderful people (shout out to Deb who generously shared her sandwich with me on Monday!)
My only question now is “Is it REALLY another whole year until we get to do it again?”
To learn more about Laura Darkstar you can read her bio on our Contributor Page on Rocks Digital. Also, Laura is a monthly contributor to Rocks Digital. Check out some of her other blog posts on Business Tips and Networking.

Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.