Neal Schaffer flew in from Europe to present Maximizing Google+ For Your Business
2010 was when things really opened up for me.
But I really wanted to empower companies by helping them to get a strategy, or know how to hire companies to handle strategy.
“Social Media replaces nothing – but complements everything” – Neal Schaffer
Just because you are working with Google+ does not mean that you are suddenly going to stop using other social media sites.
How Do People Spend Their Online Time?
- 22% Social Networking
- 21% Online Searches
- 20% Reading Content
- 19% Emails / Communications
- 13% Multi-Media Sites
- 5% Online Shopping
57% of purchasing decisions made via research before contacting vendor.
How your customers communicate with you is fundamentally different now!
You need to be where your customers are looking for you.
Google+ Steps to Success
Step 1: Define your social platform
Google+ is a layer of the different services Google offers.
“You have to understand what Google+ is. It’s really the unification of all of Google’s services, with a common social layer.” – Vic Gundotra
Search Plus Your World Impact
Merge Your Google+ Local Page
Step 2: Establish Your Company Page
If you have multiple locations you would have to contact Google to get that merged.
Cover Photo Size = 2120px x 1192px
Step 3: Connecting With Google
- It’s about Maximizing Your Touch Points with Google.
- Link Your Google Plus Page to your website then put on your Google+ page badge.
- Google+ Brand Pages have PageRank, too – Link to your Google+ Brand Page.
NOTE: Google announced June 25 they were eliminating authorship photos in search.
Step 4: Share Content
- Before Posting, Find a Role Model
- In regards to your audience – what do they want to hear?
- Become a Curator – 85% of Marketers think about this.
- What to post? Replicate Your Social Content Strategy – if you are already tweeting out, then take the most engaging things on your other social media networks and use that on Google+
- Know the Basics of G+ Posting
Step 5: Establishing Circles
- With Google+ you add people to your circles.
- Navigate Home Stream Through Circles.
- Share Posts to Specific Circles – you can limit what type of information that is shared based upon what “circle” the person belongs to.
- Create Your Circles – use as engagement vehicles and create separate circles for each segment.
- Circling others is like following on Twitter.
- Use Ripples to Find Industry Influencers and Your Brand Advocates.
- Your Google+ Network is More Influential Than You Think.
Step 6: Building Your Community – Promote Your G+ Presence
- On other Social Media Accounts
- Website (G+ Widget)
- Email Marketing
- Adding a G+ Badge Before & After
Step 7: How to Increase Google+ Followers?
- Post Regularly
- Engage
- Getting Found on Google Plus
- Share content – Don’t just share a link
- Always tag someone who shared
Step 8: The Secret to Success on G+: Engagement
- Google+ is a Social Platform.
- Users Feel Empowered on Google+.
- Reach Out in a Personalized Way.
- Participate in Google+ hangouts. (A hangout is a place online where you can participate in or host a live event / meeting.
Google+ Best Practices
- Practice internally first
- Only invite those in your circles that you trust
- Hangouts Help Promote Your Brand
Step 9: Communities
You can form communities that will help to drive traffic to your site.
Step 10: Chrome Extension: Do Share

Edgar Griggs
Edgar Griggs loves to learn about new technologies and high tech gadgets! You’ll find him at local events around the DFW Metroplex and sometimes blogging for websites like The Interestingly Cool Stuff Blog and his TrendHunter page at!