As we head into December, be fully prepared by first reviewing November’s info-rich blog posts. All 19 Rocks Digital articles are “wrapped up” for you here on this page. Consider it an early present! Yes, you’re most welcome! Click the link in each summary to reach the full article and learn more. (BTW… if you missed the October wrap-up, you can grab it here.)
How To Hit the Mark with Your Marketing
It’s easier to reach your marketing goals if you have an actual integrated plan! Moss Clement shares a brilliant (and easy) plan to make sure your brand is consistent across platforms. Don’t let your marketing go rogue, strategize for success!
It’s All About Who You Know (The Look in the Mirror Edition)
Harley David Rubin’s brainstorm for his post may have been born in the bathroom, but it’s flush with great ideas for creating and using your Unique Selling Proposition. Drink in his knowledge and learn to become the best of the bunch.
Algorithms and Instagram and Local (Oh My!)
Hot tip – Instagram posts with a location tag get almost 80% more engagement! Eric Johnson has plenty more hot tips about making Instagram’s Algorithms your ally. Find your way to the top of the feed using Eric’s tips and tricks.
Your Business is Your Brainchild, Baby
Bringing your business into the world is a labor of love. Make sure you’re protecting your brand from the beginning by following the guidance of Vikas Rana as he shares six tips on avoiding throwing your branding baby out with the bathwater.
Dive into Instagram Marketing
Birbahadur Singh Kathayat talks about how to define, refine and align your Instagram Marketing Strategy. If you’re not already using Instagram for Marketing, dip your toes into the water using the advice he gives and get ready to make a splash!
Tis the Season for Holiday Marketing Tactics
Video Holiday Shopping Guides? GENIUS! Roy Dopaishi shares four holiday marketing tactics that will definitely keep you off the “naughty” list. Effective marketing is the gift that keeps on giving, so get into the spirit and start the season right.
SEO Mythbusting – Is SEO Really a Mystical Unicorn
If you’re someone who views SEO as one of the Dark Arts, you’re not alone. Mark Toney tackles the myths about SEO and helps demystify this valuable tool for traffic and website magic.
Don’t Let Local Drive You Loco
If you’re managing a local page on Facebook, these eight Do’s and Don’ts will help you maintain your sanity and do local like a pro. Manuela Gadancheva lets you in on the top tips for leveraging Facebook to help win new customers.
Doing Splits the Pain-Free Way
A/B split testing doesn’t have to involve gymnastics. Think about pages that have convinced YOU to purchase. If it worked on you, it may very well work on your potential customers. Roxanne Roark gives an amazing visual walk-through for setting everything up in Google Analytics so you can test your landing pages without testing your patience.
Don’t Be Listless When Building Your Business
A well-tended list is a business-building list. Kim Starry shares tips on the proper care and feeding of your list to build lasting relationships. Define your goals, cultivate your list and let it grow!
Stay Out of the Mobile SEO Penalty Box
The cat’s out of the bag – you NEED a mobile presence. Is your site mobile-friendly? How can you tell? Victoria Roseberry points us to the tools and gives us tips on making the most of mobile, making sure we know how to prioritize so we’re not penalized.
KISS Your Content Writing Woes Goodbye
Content creation is a noble pursuit but if you tend to ramble, rein yourself in and try to keep online content simple and short. Harley David Rubin shares his pro tips on content writing and breaks his own KISS rule in doing so. Fortunately, he packs in a lot of value so we can forgive him.
A Little Change Will Do You Good
It has been said that the only constant in life is change. Fortunately, Debbie Mrazek gives us some guidance for how to navigate change without selling our souls. Your sales process may need a makeover, but following these tips can keep you on-track and make your business better.
Overhaul Your Social Media Toolkit
There’s plenty of people who have advice on what to do on Social Media. Tanya Smith mixes it up and has a list of what NOT to do on social media. Hint: Social Media = It’s not all about you!
It’s the Circle of Social Media and SEO Life
Do Social Media and SEO mix? Absolutely. Mark Toney talks about building brand authority and reinforcing reputation. Like a garden, your Social Media presence will grow if you pay attention to properly nurturing it. Learn how to best go with the Social Media and SEO flow.
Spelling Out Your Wrap-Up and Strategic Plans
Time to have an attitude of gratitude as you reflect on 2017 and gaze wistfully at 2018. Find your focus and your voice, and let Lissa Duty’s pointers propel you gently into the New Year with tips on how to be Thinkful this season.
Bots Still Aren’t Writing Our Posts – But They’re Getting Smarter
The face of marketing is changing and artificial intelligence is helping to shape that change. Stevan McGrath explains how bots are stepping in on Social Media and in other places. At least the Customer Service bot you chat with won’t be offended when you curse at it for losing Uncle Bob’s Christmas Beef Log… AGAIN!
The Final Countdown… to Success in the New Year
If you’re into the whole “12 Days” theme that comes up this time of year, you’ll enjoy John Carroll’s 12 To-Do’s. A dozen good pointers and a downright good list to make (and check twice) to get 2018 on the “Nice” path right away!
Pop Quiz – Do You Really Know Your Brand
Harley David Rubin asks two (and a half) burning questions about your brand. This is for everyone who has ever pondered the question if you were an animal, what animal would you be… and why? We now know the REAL questions we should be asking ourselves about our brand – and how that helps us with our marketing efforts.
Review Your Digital Marketing Efforts, Examine and Adjust
I trust that finding this great info in one place is a big help as you continue on the digital marketing learning path. Use the posts in this wrap-up to examine your efforts and make adjustments (when needed) as we enter December.
You too can pass on an early gift as you tweet this post, pass it on and click share! No, it’s not “re-gifting” so go right ahead!
Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.