Sandra Dee Robinson, keynote speaker, presented “Realize the Worth in Your Powerful Personal Presence On Camera, and Off!” at #DFWRocks2014. A few of the highlights of her presentation are listed below.
Five Tips to Create a Powerful Personal Presence on Camera
- Show Your Passion
- Share Your Story
- Train Your Body
- Be Fearless and Poweful
- Don’t Wing It
When you have a fan following (which is what you are hoping for in Social Media), it’s a good thing. When you are an introvert, it can be terrifying to have a following.
Sometimes the struggle is finding out who you are so you can “be yourself.”
Open up fearlessly and shine. That’s when you attract those that will be integral in creating the impact in the world.
We don’t connect with perfection. We connect with the brokenness in each other.
Stories can help build emotional connections. There may be parts of your story that you think you can’t share but they will build the emotional connection. That bit of your story that you feel you CAN’T share might be the part that will create the best emotional connection.
You aren’t going to get rid of your fear … you just have to find a way to “make nice” with it. You can’t look though fear and be comfortable. You just need to properly compartmentalize it. The key to being fearless is to focus on the person that you are helping. Even if there are millions of people watching you, they are watching you one at a time. It’s a very intimate conversation.
Visit Sandra’s website, Charisma on Camera, to learn more about her.

Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.