We have 32 speakers and 27+ sessions happening over the next two days at the 2017 Rocks Digital Marketing Conference! Don’t you wish you could be in two places at once? Since you haven’t been able to clone yourself yet….
We have the 2nd best thing for you. Follow the sessions LIVE via our blog and on the Twitter Hashtag #RocksDigital! Don’t have a Twitter account? You can read them below too. (If the tweets don’t load for you below, reload this page.)
This conference is a celebration of local search and social media day! We will all be tweeting crazy amounts of information. We’ll try and cover as much of the conference as we can for you.

Rocks Digital
We ROCK Local, Social and Mobile and want to make sure you have a place to learn all about it. From our digital marketing resources to our annual digital marketing conference we are here for you!