Want better results? Who doesn’t? Every business owner is constantly seeking ways to improve performance, achieve their goals, and be more successful.
From my work with hundreds of business leaders in my coaching practice and mastermind program, I have found the key to better results ultimately boils down to how well a business performs in five critical areas. For purposes of this article, I will refer to them as the P.L.A.C.E. performance areas.
The Five P.L.A.C.E. Performance Areas
- People
- Leadership
- Accountability
- Culture
- Execution
These areas are top-of-mind for most business leaders today and, if they are not, they should be. Complete the following assessment to see how your business is doing. If you are not a business owner, but an employee, take the quiz anyway. Identify ways you can help the company you work for to be better and compete in the workplace.
Print out this page to take the quiz, then place a check mark next to the items you currently have in place from the list below.
Find Your P.L.A.C.E. Performance Score
___ A. Team members vs. employees.
___ B. Right people doing the right things.
___ C. Follow the ‘Golden Rule’ principle.
___ D. Embrace diversity, openness and change.
___ E. Create opportunities for learning and growth.
___ People Score
___ A. Evident at all levels.
___ B. Set high standards by their example.
___ C. Empower others to succeed.
___ D. Provide support where needed.
___ E. Transparency in communication.
___ Leadership Score
___ A. Clarity of roles and responsibilities.
___ B. Ownership mentality … No ‘monkey management’.
___ C. Provide 360 degree feedback.
___ D. Emphasize continuous improvement and growth.
___ E. Maintain a results-driven focus.
___ Accountability Score
___ A. Aligns with vision and core values.
___ B. Creates an environment of trust.
___ C. Find ways to make the work fun.
___ D. High employee morale and retention.
___ E. Encourage risk-taking, creativity and innovation.
___ Culture Score
___ A. SMART goals in place.
___ B. Meet or exceed objectives.
___ C. Deliver on promises.
___ D. Customer retention is high.
___ E. Learn from “perfect” failures.
___ Execution Score
_____ Total P.L.A.C.E. Performance Score
It’s time to come up with our score. Count up how many items you have selected in each performance area and multiple it by 4 (4 points each). Write the total score (0 to 20 points) in the blank next to each performance area. Finally, add the area totals together to get your overall P.L.A.C.E. Performance score (0 to 100).
Compare your Total P.L.A.C.E Performance Score
100 Rock Star! … What’s next?
90-99 Excellent … Keep going!
80-89 Good … More work ahead.
70-79 Borderline … Pick up the pace!
< 70 Biz at risk! … Take recovery action!!!
So … How did you do? Now you have a baseline for where you’re at today and should be able to identify some of the areas you’ll want to focus on to improve future performance and results.
As mentioned earlier, improved performance and better results ultimately come down to how well you do in these five critical areas. If you want to achieve greater success and outperform the competition, the formula is pretty straightforward:
People + Leadership + Accountability + Culture + Execution = Results
Regardless of the outcome of the P.L.A.C.E. performance assessment, there’s always room for improvement. So, keep going!!! Want to take more quizzes? Take my Sales IQ test.
What was your P.L.A.C.E. score? Share what you plan on improving!
John Carroll
John Carroll is a Business and Leadership Strategist, Best-Selling Author, Blogger & Speaker. Top 100 Leadership Expert to Follow. Who's writing your story today?