0 to 50,000 Organic Users Per Month was presented at the 2019 Rocks Digital Marketing Conference by Jason Hennessey. Here are the takeaways from his session.
Jason is the CEO at Hennessey Consulting, known for reverse engineering the Google Algorithm. He talked to us about going from 0 to 50,000 organic users per month!
SEO Case Study
Jason built up losangelesduiattorney.com to be a traffic powerhouse. He doesn’t recommend going the old route of keyword stuffing in the meta section, or trying to keyword stuff in the on-screen content. However, he recommends buying a domain name that has some age rather than registering a brand-new one.
He invested $11,598 into the site in the first 3 months, including content writing, paid search advertising, and digital tools. He only had 12 visitors to show for it, but that’s just the beginning. 7 months in, they were into more than $32,000 on the expense side. By that time, they averaged about 3,300 visitors per month, but he saw it as building an asset that would compound.
He built out a content strategy in a Google spreadsheet, including planning out the URLs and meta tags. His company built out content for locations nearby, which helped him rank organically.
Building out topically relevant pages helped Jason dominate the SERPs. Looking at the results on serps.com, these pages still rank today. He recommends building a FAQ section on your website, even if you’re focused on only one product or service. Related searches can still bring in relevant traffic.
Ahrefs is a paid tool that Jason uses regularly for his SEO strategy. With this tool, there’s a place to put in your URL and see “top pages” to see how many keywords that page ranks for. He then looks at the queries and the search volume, and creates video content to put on that page to attract more conversions.
A glossary is another way Jason built his website up, and used internal linking to his advantage. He has a glossary term page modeled after Wikipedia, and when those words are mentioned in other pieces of content, he links to it. It makes your website more of an authority and is an easy way to build your content out.
Websites can also utilize local news to keep their site fresh with content, by writing a quick blurb linking out to a news story. When you publish a story, it feeds into the Google News feed as well.

Briana Ford
Briana Ford is the President of Social Media Dallas, a professional organization that strives to drive conversation and educate members on how companies are leveraging social media to reach, engage, and, most importantly, drive revenue.