If you want to rock the web you need a clearly defined strategy that integrates digital marketing, print marketing, and online and offline advertising.
The success and future of your business relies on an effective marketing strategy.
How to Rock Digital Marketing
1. Content
Are you tired of hearing about content is king? Google is going to continue to change their algorithms and keyword rich content that is engaging and written for people to read and easily understand will continue to rule the web.
2. Search
Dominating search is everyone’s goal. Optimizing your website for search by filling out descriptions, meta data on images, using headline tags, creating a site map and registering it with Google and Bing Webmaster Tools are just a few of the essentials you need in place.
3. Social
Experts have been predicting social media is going away since 2008. Social is here to stay and you must play the game to be seen by your prospective customers. Unfortunately pay to play is here to stay also. Make sure you include social advertising as part of your budget.
4. Local
As quoted by Bernadette Coleman, Content is King and Local is Queen. A key element in dominating search is leveraging local SEO, which includes reviews, citations, local focused website content, schemas and geotagged images.
5. Business Development
You can have the best content, search, social and local strategies, but if you don’t have a strong practice and processes in places to continually develop new business opportunities and relationships you will be leading a sinking ship.
Know who you are, where you want to go and be willing to do what it takes to get there.
What are you doing online to take your business to the next level? What piece of advice would you give to someone else that needs to leverage digital marketing more effectively?
Learn more on this important topic at one of the largest digital marketing conferences for 2015!

Lissa Duty
Lissa Duty is Social Media Coach, Author, Speaker & Trainer. 20 years of marketing, administrative and management experience working to grow your business.