Jerod Morris to Present on Content and Connection
Veteran podcaster, Jerod Morris is VP of Marketing for Rainmaker.FM, the digital marketing podcast network launched by Copyblogger Media. Jerod has spent almost a decade working in online media strategy, production and marketing. He has been a featured speaker at conferences across the country about leadership, content strategy and podcasting.
He is the host of several successful podcasts, including The Lede, The Showrunner, and The Assembly Call. Jerod was a featured presenter at Authority Intensive 2014 and speaks regularly throughout the country about content strategy. He also has first-hand experience with directing content teams of multiple contributors for high-traffic websites, even before he joined Copyblogger Media.
Jerod is a Graduate of Indiana University and, after graduating, he taught at an alternative school for troubled youth prior to a chance meeting with Derick Schaefer which began his career in online content marketing and led him to his current position.
Rocks Talk Title
Content is Not King. Connection is King.
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