Robin Moss Speaks on Digital Marketing and Website Gamification
Robin Moss is President of ribit, a full-service digital marketing agency, which she founded in 1994. ribit provides clients with marketing and social media strategy, custom WordPress web sites, eCommerce sites, SEO, content creation, graphic design, and branding. Robin Moss has been helping companies create their presence on the web since 1994. She has an extensive background in marketing, advertising and social media strategy and can help you develop a web site and a social media strategy that will make your company stand out from the competition. Robin will show the basics of what are required to grow your business using digital marketing!
ribit has won many awards – Dallas Tops, newmedia invision, Rockport Publishers, Web Awards, SXSW and One Show to name a few – but Robin was personally honored with Multimedia Producer Magazine’s Top 100 Award. Robin was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and received her BBA in Marketing and Advertising from Southern Methodist University and her MBA in Marketing from the University of North Texas. Robin continues to give back to the community that has treated her so well – from producing the very first web site for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, to her work for the Dallas Police Department, to the Dallas Junior Police and the Addison Midday Rotary.
Presentation Details
Digital Marketing with Website Gamification: Attract, Engage and Build an Audience!
Gamification motivates people to come back to your website, by rewarding them with prizes and/or recognition. Are you making their comments on your blog the “most liked comment”? Are you rewarding them with gift cards? Find out how you can super-charge your WordPress web site with Gamification and grow your business!
What you will learn about Gamification
- What website gamification can provide you
- Why engagement works
- The different types of gamification
- Plugins available for WordPress
Get ready for some Digital Marketing and Gamification at one of the largest digital marketing conferences in Texas!
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