We don’t need to tell you that mobile is huge for any brand or business. In fact, it’s hard to find someone today who’s not using their smartphone to find what they need or want – to some degree at least. And for most of us, “some degree” adds up to an impressive 4+ hours per day! But this time span is not a free-for-all of phone calls and texts because around 90% of total mobile minutes are spent in apps.
So the audience is definitely out there, but capturing the attention of all these potential consumers can be tricky. At the 2017 Rocks Digital Marketing Conference our expert speakers on the Mobile and Web track will share how to ROCK your mobile web strategy! Keep reading and find out how for yourself.
The Consumer-First Focus Drives the Mobile and Web Track at Rocks Digital
The Mobile and Web track is broken down into three hard-hitting sessions that will help businesses to grow and thrive in this mobile world. You will learn about hyperlocal marketing, consumer-first websites, and keeping humans first in your SEO and web strategies.
Sci-Fi Turned into Digital Marketing Reality
In the film Minority Report, Tom Cruise is ambushed by ads in a shopping mall that are based off his biochemistry! This futuristic film was set in the year 2054, but businesses and brands can do this type of targeting now with BLE Beacons. They are literally a sci-fi dream come true. Beacon expert Casey Markee will lead you through what this technology is, how best to use it, and show how it can help you capitalize on consumer “micro-moments.” Learn how to lead your customers on a journey right to checkout with this hyperlocal marketing technology. Meet Casey.
Don’t Throw the Consumer Out with the Bathwater
When creating a website for things like SEO, mobile, algorithms and more, we are inundated with where the focus should be. While all these things are indeed important, website designer Robin Moss understands that you cannot forget about the consumer. Your website must get the consumer to it, keep them there, and make them want to come back again and again. Robin will explore the consumer-first approach to mobile and web design. Meet Robin.
Humans Come Before Google
It can feel like a 24/7 job just to keep up with Google’s algorithm changes and then incorporate all of them into a website. Jeff Whitfield will share how trying to please Google all the time can make us forget that we need to please the consumer, too. In his presentation, Jeff will share how his UX-based approach to SEO can make Google happy, while still putting humans first. Meet Jeff.
Are You Ready to ROCK Mobile and the Web?
Attendees are going to have a hard time picking which break-out sessions to attend because the lineup is amazing! Take a quick glimpse at the conference agenda to meet all 32 speakers today.
Have you registered for the 2017 Rocks Digital Marketing Conference yet? Use the promo code LOCALROCKS and save $75 off your one-day or two-day ticket!
Still waiting till the last minute to register? Got a question? Want to bring your team? Email Lissa@RocksDigital.com TODAY!
Rocks Digital
We ROCK Local, Social and Mobile and want to make sure you have a place to learn all about it. From our digital marketing resources to our annual digital marketing conference we are here for you!