Double-whammy time – it’s the end of the month and the end of the year! What better way to head into the new year than by reviewing December’s helpful, info-packed posts?
Here’s a ROCKING December Wrap-Up
This roundup features a summary of each offering with a link to take you to the post itself. And speaking of end of year, November is part of that too, and you can find the November wrap-up right here. And now, onto the December summary!
B2B or B2C – Decoding Digital Marketing
With a little R&D (Research + Development of a Digital Marketing Strategy) you can work smarter, not harder, and get the results you want. Hardik Oza shares 8 strategies to get your Digital Marketing focused and flowing. Hello conversions!
Going Viral (No Need for a Flu Shot!)
In the world of content, going viral is a good thing, not something that requires a shot in the tush! Moss Clement tells us why keywords are the key to creating catchy content, plus how to hone your headlines. Add some calls-to-action and a bit of Buzz(Sumo) and cure the boring content blues.
Wanna Get Lucky? It’ll Take Some Work!
Infographic fanatics rejoice! Mark Toney has shared a fabulous infographic on Google Ranking. If you’ve tried to decipher how to get to that elusive page 1 position 1 page rank, this should help you decipher what it takes to reach the top.
Get a Leg Up on LinkedIn
Great pointers for going beyond the basics on LinkedIn. Roxanne Roark helps us leverage our LinkedIn profiles to help us become our own brand ambassadors. Learn to utilize your uniqueness to stand out in the B2B market and make your brand memorable.
Don’t Panic! Metrics Are Your Friends
Does Google Analytics make you googly-eyed? Kim Starry shares some tips and tricks to help make website metrics less overwhelming and more useful. Learn how heatmaps and headlines can help measure your ROI – and get you on the road to creating a better website.
Tiny Bubbles… (Wait…) Tiny Tweaks for Big Results
As we clear out the old year and usher in the new, it’s a good time to do some website maintenance. Harley David Rubin shares some small tweaks to improve the experience for visitors to your website. Click everything clickable to make sure it all works, spell things correctly, and make sure your contact info is up-to-date. It’s all just good website etiquette!
Smile – And Potentially Increase Sales
Everyday Miracles can happen if you change your mindset. Debbie Mrazek entreats us to expect miracles and stop dwelling on the negative! A little PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) can go a long way towards making us happier and helping us achieve more.
Making Magic with Systems
The key to super social media is to stop making it so difficult. Come up with some systems, make some templates and checklists, and take the tedium out of your media. Tanya Smith shows us how to free up our future selves by adopting quick, easy (and delegatable!) systems.
Out of Date, Out of Mind? Why Updating Your WordPress Website is Critical
Maintaining your website is as critical to your business as brushing your teeth is to your self-care. Vikas Rana shares four simple maintenance tasks that people often overlook, and that could spell disaster! Keeping things current keeps hackers at bay, ensures an optimum user experience, and keeps you from too much scrambling if your site ends up crashing. And don’t worry, it’s easier than flossing.
Power Blogging
I know we’ve been hearing for years that blogging is dead but blogs are still alive and kicking – and Stevan McGrath gives some great pointers on how to power up your blogging. Start with some exclusive content, add some great graphics, share through social media, and do make it mobile-friendly. Pump up your pipeline and do some power blogging in 2018!
Appily Ever After
We’ve all heard there’s an app for that… and Kevin Nelson shares nine fabulous apps to help you boost your productivity and make the most of your leisure time. From finding focus to finding the right word, there’s an app to help. Study smarter, get where you’re going, and hear motivational talks while you get there! You too can be on the way to app-fueled efficiency.
Hear the Power of Podcasting
Listen my children and you shall hear, the power of podcasting, as we enter the New Year. Sorry about that verse, but it’s true. Like to listen to podcasts? Well join the club! Find out why audio is a great way to engage and is definitely “one of the most intimate forms of media,” complete with a great infographic featuring need-to-know stats about listeners, genres and more.
Releasing Repetition = Freedom
It’s said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Marketing automation can help you release the repetition and find freedom. Catherine Park gives some super tips to help automate and delegate – so you can get back into your particular genius zone!
And That’s a Wrap… December is Over
As one post relates and expands on, “getting lucky takes work.” It’s my hope that this summary of posts helps you with your work towards the goal of good fortune. The New Year is bringing many opportunities, so be ready to work – and to make these opportunities pay off for your business!
Know what you need to do first? Share your thoughts, and summary with your busy friends and colleagues. And… Happy New Year!

Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.